You Are More

You are more. You are more than what you see in the mirror. You are more than you feel when you are sad, alone, or anxious. You are more than your limiting thoughts, self-judgements, or broken, shielded heart. You are more than your diagnoses, your frustrations, your negative patterns. It is time for you to wake up and allow more of the real you to shine through, bit by bit, each and every day.

Once you do this, do you know what will happen?

Everything will change. You will begin to re-align, to synch up, to heal, and get in touch with your remarkable power grid that doesn’t require coffee for fuel or the internet for information. It is not an easy start, and often involves some descending into the deep dark void of your immensely overlooked inner being. Yet I promise you, as you begin to learn the tools of listening and acknowledgment, and walk that spiral path up and out on the physical, emotional, and energetic level, something long buried inside will wake up, and makes life a lot more fun (and less traumatic).

Are you ready for a taste? Let’s begin your journey to wholeness!  To support you in this transformational journey I have crafted a 3 month coaching program called the “Empress Protocol” to help you reconnect to your vital self, build new circuitry of connection and wholeness, and experience life in an entirely new way.

Call me for a free 20 min consultation that will give you a clearer sense of the new possibilities that await you!







It is true, you are what you eat!

You are also what your mom and dad ate, as well as what your grandparents ate.  You are actually made up of genes that remember so far back…of not just who ate what, but who experienced what, and consequently felt what.  To the extent that, from this vantage point, who knows who or what your genes are listening to now!  The revolutionary field of epigenetics teaches us we are not slaves to our genetics, but we sure are responsible for the environment we bathe them in NOW.  That’s why I believe that to truly connect to and heal your physical body, you must begin to listen to what you are slathering your cells in on a daily basis in, and how they are responding.

So now, what exactly is your body telling you?

Mind you…I’m not referring to what that bossy, judgmental brain is telling you (we’ll get to that later), but what your body-mind is telling you.  Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a clue where to start with listening to body-mind.  We are so used to bossing our body around and then shaming it, then numbing it, then pushing it, then poisoning it, that we haven’t really checked in with how she/he really feels!  Our hormones may be all over the place, as well as our blood sugar.  We are inflamed, tired, and anxious…so tuning into the body in this state doesn’t always feel good.  Trust me, the first response to the asking usually goes from silence to a serious airing of grievances!  But once the remarkable connection is made, and you are willing and ready to listen and to acknowledge, to feel and change patterns and behaviors that are not serving your body’s highest good, then we are ready to plug in, connect, and lovingly redirect.

This always begins with what we put in our body on a daily basis.  Our diet is the most important communication tool to our cells.  What are you feeding yourself? Artificial sweeteners and shelf stable preservatives?  How is that working for you?  Maybe feeling a bit artificial and stale?  Are you feeling inflamed, stiff, agitated, tired, depressed?  It is not just you feeling that, it is your cells.  To be precise, roughly 40 trillion of your cells are feeling inflamed, toxic, agitated and craving the next shot of sugar (or caffeine, or alcohol, etc.) so they can survive the onslaught of adversity they face on a daily basis.

What is amazing is how easy, and exciting, it is to change that.  You have the power to fuel this amazing body you are walking around in, with exactly what it needs and wants to be amped for this life experience!  Plants are incredibly effective at healing the body on all levels, but without the baseline of physical stability and vitality, we have little to work with.  The complex phyto-chemistry and phyto-nutrients that our DNA recognizes and properly absorbs and assimilates is based on an extremely long history of co-evolution between people and plants.  I guarantee you there is nothing that science can magically throw together that is more profoundly nourishing and healing to your body than the plants as food and medicine that surrounds us.  This is not challenging the important role pharmaceuticals play in acute disease and illness, this is talking about daily, sustainable acquisition of healing balance and cellular health.

Whether your issue is a few extra pounds or cancer, depression or thyroid disease, energy levels or autoimmune, I promise you the beginning of your healing answer is in the wisdom, vitality, and intuition of your trillion cell YOU.  Nourish and balance your cells, and the rest will follow.

To learn more about how I do this check out my herbal/nutrition consultation page, and call for a FREE 30 min consultation!

                                                                           EMOTIONAL YOU

If we think of your physical body as the earth element, the fertile ground from which everything else may sprout, your emotions are like water, flowing through and bathing your terrain with meaning and purpose.  Without that free, unencumbered flow of our emotional waters, we get stuck, depressed, and bored.  See, emotions are energy in motion (e-motion) from the core of our being out to our peripheral experience.  The more we ignore, deny, repress, or fight our internal guidance system, the stronger and more ferocious our internal dam becomes.  This will manifest as serious dis-ease, no way around it.

The slow consistent process of damming usually begins as a small child when we are told certain qualities or responses of ours are not appropriate, and culminates with fitting into the adult box of responsibility and relationship.  If you are not engaging the world as YOU, you will get sick fast.  Maybe it starts with gastric reflux, or chronic migraines, or low energy or constipation.  But the origin of your body discomfort is in you ignoring an essential aspect of your intuitive guidance system.  Maybe you inherited some genes that have long memories of repression and containment…but it is still your job to let ‘er flow!  Movement is life, stagnation is death.  Clear house, clean shop, show up as you feel…to yourself!  You don’t need to emotionally unload on everyone around you, and actually we only tend to do that when we don’t have the outlet of our own listening first.

It helps to understand your emotions are electro-magnetically charged molecules.  These charged chemicals of emotional response and internal communication have been linked to and identified in part with neuropeptides, which have receptor sites in the brain and throughout the entire body.  Your entire body is filled with these charges and chemicals of emotional communication…you are bio-electric!  You are positive, you are negative.  You are yang, you are yin.  Yes, we are all inherently bipolar!  Our opportunity for enrichment, wisdom, and great joy is to flow with it, to integrate these essential communication pathways to our own self.   We must stop blocking and compartmentalizing certain essential aspects of our being that feel scary, inconvenient, uncomfortable, or un-loveable.

Essential oils specifically target the limbic system of the brain, the region that stores memories and emotions, and have powerful access in ways no other medicine does.  The limbic brain is ONLY stimulated directly by sense of smell, which is why smells can bring you so strongly back to memories of childhood time and place.  Releasing trauma/stuck emotional energy from the body is an important part of bodywork/energy work, and one of the reasons it is important to incorporate emotional healing with mental and physical exercises.  Programs like EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique), mindfulness, breath work, and exercise are all essential pieces of moving stuck energy from your body so you can be your truly vibrant, intuitive, powerhouse self.

Oddly, but in no way by accident, most of our deepest emotional blocks stem from our greatest gift and abilities to become empowered during this life experience.  It is almost like these haunted shadows of ourselves are waiting to be set free so we can truly access the freedom of our life without self-limitation, anxiety, and depression, to allow us greater intimacy with ourselves and loved ones.  If you are willing to do the inner work, and stay present and open with yourself, you will be amazed at what begins to awaken within you.

True freedom comes from recognizing that you are not a random assortment of chaotic reactions.  Emotions don’t happen to you, they ARE you.  When you give them the weight and respect they deserve in driving and guiding your life experiences and learning, you will wake up to greater purpose and zest than you knew possible.  Just remember you can’t control them, you can only listen, and then make the right life decisions for yourself based on that.

Do you know how you truly feel?  Not sure?  Call me for a FREE 30 min consultation for us to talk through accessing the power of emotional YOU!

                                                                            ENERGETIC YOU

I’ll be honest, this is perhaps my favorite “you” to talk about.  Energy you is shrouded in so much doubt and mystery, yet everything we experience in this life is made of energy.  Everything, everywhere, whatever you see, it is made of energy!  Now for our Western trained minds of what you see is what you get (SO boring), we tend to think we can ignore energy and it will not entangle us in our daily lives.  We can be rational, “scientific”, controlled and disciplined…how is that working out for you?!  Okay Western minds, let me break it down for you.  You have heard of the diagnostic tools of an EKG, EEG, and MRI?  These are looking at your electrical and magnetic heart, brain, body to determine what is wrong.  What if we could access and use this electro-magnetic energy we create to determine what is right…to heal ourselves?  Crazy, right?

Well unlike decades ago, now we have insurance covering acupuncture (energy), we talk about the healing power of theta brain waves and meditation (energy), and we have decades of science from the Heart Math Institute, (energy), and we have cell phones (energy!).  Can you see those voices binging off cell towers?  No?  Well than why is it so hard to imagine that you are also bombarded with energies from every thought you have, every word you say, and every moment you generate.  YOU are one big fat ball of energy!!

So let’s start with the big players we know about.  You have a brain that creates a mental energy field around you, and you have a heart that creates a spiritual field around you.  Now if all goes well, these two are in open communication and harmony with one another, creating grace and ease as we also connect to the larger power grid that surrounds us.  The problem is, we tend to energetically block ourselves from our natural vital current, either through the thoughts we are thinking, or the armor we unconsciously pad around our hearts.  Our vital energy currents that have been understood as streams or meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine, or chakra wheels in Ayurvedic Indian traditions, are acknowledging the streaming energy fields we are bringing into our body, or releasing, or blocking, at any given time.

And, here is the kicker…we are wired to connect energy fields to get MORE energy!  Energy work is such a beautiful honor.  The permission to connect, redirect, enhance, release, and tune into your own frequency and tone that comprises your unique energy blueprint is as natural as breathing.  And the more you can access unencumbered, your unique energy blueprint and consciousness, the more empowered you become, and the more ease and grace and healing comes into your life. The more peaceful your mind becomes, the more open your heart becomes.

And speaking of accessing unconscious information for healing your conscious mind, I have another favorite tool.  I love Tarot Cards!  Carl Jung has captured and articulated the power that our unconscious energy field has on healing our mind.  And once we heal our mind, we heal our body.  The images that Tarot pulls up from your unconscious mainframe are potent in their ability to align your presence and awareness of what unconscious thoughts, feelings, or experiences is moving you right now (usually in a direction we don’t want to go), and how to lovingly acknowledge and redirect it.

So, if you feel down, depressed, or low energy, or you have chaotic random body pain or feel like you live in a cloud of blah-ness, it is time to broaden your view.  If you keep getting in your own way, keep getting in dead end relationships, or have chronic resistance and pain in your body, there is another experience for you.  If you feel there is more to you than you are presently acknowledging and want to access more, give me a call.

Call for a FREE 30 min consultation, and let’s talk about energetic you!